Ikkyu Nakajima - sweet sweat sweets
Ikkyu Nakajima Official promo video directed by 日置健太郎
Guitar 山本幹宗
Bass 佐藤 征史(くるり)by the courtesy of Speedstar Records / Victor Entertainment
Drums みどりん(SOIL & “PIMP” SESSIONS)by the courtesy of Victor Entertainment
Keyboard 片木希依 (jizue)
Brass Arrangement & Mellotron 佐藤五魚
Guitar 山本幹宗
Bass 佐藤 征史(くるり)by the courtesy of Speedstar Records / Victor Entertainment
Drums みどりん(SOIL & “PIMP” SESSIONS)by the courtesy of Victor Entertainment
Keyboard 片木希依 (jizue)
Brass Arrangement & Mellotron 佐藤五魚