Posts mit dem Label Hazel English werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen
Posts mit dem Label Hazel English werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Sonntag, Oktober 09, 2016

Hazel English - Control

Hazel English - Control

Ah, we have so much time for Hazel English. The mistress of shoegazey dream-pop has her jangles out in full force on Control, another taste of her upcoming EP. As always, the melody teems through the fuzzy guitar, with Ms English’s knack for solid songwriting ever apparent. Check it out below.

Freitag, Juli 31, 2015

Hazel English - It's Not Real

Hazel English - It's Not Real

Several months ago, an Oakland resident, originally from Australia, tore my heart away from my chest with a deliciously languid and dreamy debut named Never Going Home. I love that song so much that I’ve been waiting for a new one from Hazel English since, even bugging her on twitter, asking for a new song. I hope she didn’t mind. Finally, after an excruciating wait, Hazel English reveals her second song. It’s Not Real, like her debut, is a mellow surf rocker. It’s a sun kissed and jangly indie pop gem that comes off like a hazy, washed out blur of The Drums, Beach Fossils, and Wild Nothing, with plenty of fellow Oakland artist Day Wave’s swirly, cozy warmth. It’s Not Real shimmers like a mirage on a sweltering hot day, whisking me away on a nostalgic reverie.