Mellowdrama is a hitchhike around various home studios in Hong Kong, a project built on shared solitude and companionship among indie musicians. In between days when mobility is past, we invented games to keep the car moving. Sometimes we are a band, more often we are apart.
mellowdrama 是一程又一程往來香港不同宅錄工作室的順風車。
released December 28, 2021
Written by Sum Lok-kei in Hong Kong
Recorded by Tomii Chan
Co-produced by Sum Lok-kei & Tomii Chan
Mixed by Wilmer Chan
Mastered by Zen Chien @ 112F Recording Studio
Released by Airhead Records in Taiwan, 2021
Cha Bao on drums (track 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8)
Tomii Chan on guitar, bass, vocals & programming (track 1, 2, 6, 7, 8)
Dixon Chan on bass (track 3, 4, 6, 8)
Ming on trombone (track 3)
Fat Wong on trumpet (track 3)
611 on vocals (track 4)
PMQ on vocals (track 5)
Tin Li on synth (track 5)
Lung Shing on drums (track 5)
Jabin Law on spoken words (track 7)