Taxi Girls is a high-energy rock trio hailing from Montreal, Canada. Comprised of three talented and fierce ladies - Jamie, Vera and Lynn - this band is quickly making a name for themselves with their unique brand of punk rock that blends the classic sound of the Ramones with the fiery spirit of the Muffs and a dash of Verruca Salt.
Since forming in 2022, Taxi Girls have quickly gained a dedicated fan base with their electrifying live shows and infectious hooks. Their debut EP, "Coming Up Roses," will be released in July of 2023 on Wild Honey Records (vinyl, Europe) and Dirt Cult Records (cassette tape, USA)
released July 7, 2023
All songs written and performed by Taxi Girls
Jamie Radu - vocals, guitar, bass, back vocals
Vera - vocals, guitar, bass, back vocals
Lynn Poulin - drums, back vocals
Mattlan Wickens - cover graphics and design
photo by Jocelyn Gagné
Ryan Battistuzzi - Recorded mixed and produced at Le Stuzzio in Montreal
Mastered by Ryan Morey
Taxi Girls - Coming Up Roses
Taxi Girls - Coming Up Roses