Island Science - XII
The moment Island Science’s debut song, XII, began to whimsically seesaw way into my heart, I knew I was listening to something magical. The all female electronic dream pop band comes from Orlando, Florida, though, from the sound of XII, they could be from a mystical island from a far away world. XII slowly, meticulously heaves with an ethereal sparseness that evokes Sylvan Esso, but bathed in the bewitching, rhythmic soulfulness of Ibeyi. Underneath it all is an emotive pop softness that can also be found in XYLØ’s music. Produced by Dromes, XII is a quirky lullaby of haunting darkness and aching solemnity.
The moment Island Science’s debut song, XII, began to whimsically seesaw way into my heart, I knew I was listening to something magical. The all female electronic dream pop band comes from Orlando, Florida, though, from the sound of XII, they could be from a mystical island from a far away world. XII slowly, meticulously heaves with an ethereal sparseness that evokes Sylvan Esso, but bathed in the bewitching, rhythmic soulfulness of Ibeyi. Underneath it all is an emotive pop softness that can also be found in XYLØ’s music. Produced by Dromes, XII is a quirky lullaby of haunting darkness and aching solemnity.